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Kalmar for Dutch terminal

Dutch terminal operator Rotterdam Short Sea Terminal (RST) has ordered two Kalmar Ship To Shore cranes, with an option for two more.

Delivery of the first two wide-span monobox ship to shore cranes is planned for the end of 2018 and will ship from the recently opened Rainbow-Cargotec Industries jetty in Taicang, near Shanghai.

Cees van Pelt of RST said: "We have had Kalmar cranes in our terminal for many years and they are some of the quickest in the world, allowing us to optimise our overall operational efficiency and keep service times for vessels and trucks the shortest possible. Based on the solid performance of the current Kalmar cranes and the expertise of the local Kalmar team, we are confident that these new cranes will meet our STS productivity targets and help us continue to provide reliable service to our customers."

Kalmar’s Tero Kokko added: "Our joint history with RST dates all the way back to the 1990's. We are happy that we can mark a new chapter for Kalmar STS cranes with a loyal customer and support them in expanding their business. This will be the first STS delivery from our joint venture Rainbow-Cargotec Industries in China. Since its opening in 2013."
