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Second 300t Grove for BKL

German crane rental company BKL Baukran Logistik has purchased a second 300 tonne Grove GMK6300L after clocking up 1,500 working hours within the first year of taking delivery of its original unit.

The new six axle crane will be based at BKL’s Frankfurt depot. The first unit has proved to be highly versatile, carrying out a wide range of jobs, but has most often been used to erect and dismantle tower cranes, mainly from BKL’s own fleet.
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BKL's second Grove GMK6300L

BKL branch manager Jasmin Myer said: “With the GMK6300L we offer our clients an efficient crane that is fast to operate and offers minimal transport hassle, which is particularly beneficial at cramped, urban job sites. We often use the crane in city-centre job sites where we need a big but maneuverable crane that can be set up in the optimum position that keeps interference to a minimum.”

With more than 330 tower cranes and close to 40 mobile cranes in its fleet, BKL is one of the largest crane suppliers in Germany. The company has more than 45 years’ experience in crane sales and rentals, and provides lifting services to projects throughout Germany.
