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Pre-Christmas ignorance

A Death Wish entry we have received at the start of the year highlights poor safety practices around Christmas shoppers in Dublin

In our reader’s own words: “These pictures were taken in Dublin, a few nights before Christmas, during late night shopping. The truck mount drove up the street between the people, the operator half-heartedly dropped a few traffic cones around it while lowering the outriggers, and then proceed to go up in the machine with someone else. It is not clear what they were actually trying to do on the corner of the building, but people were freely walking around the machine from all sides, and walking under the elevated boom, without any restrictions.”
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The men were working on a bracket fitted to the corner of a building

The mid-sized truck mount is clearly marked in Loxam Access livery, the size is such that it is possible that it was rented without operator and we have no idea who the end user was or exactly what they were doing.
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The truck was set up on a busy pedestrian street

One thing is clear is that the operator has taken precious little effort to protect members of the public from any incident with the machine. In the unlikely event that the machine had overturned it would almost certainly have created a fair few casualties or worse.
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Pedestrians passed under the boom throughout the job

One positive thing though is that the operator did place outrigger mats under the Jack plates in order to spread the load and reduce the risk of punching through the ground.

A definite Death Wish though.


no point trying to custion the blow for loxam by saying the operator did put outrigger pads down!! bottom line is he was in the shops xmas shopping or trying to hurry up to get home for xmas dinner either way a shambles of a job poorly done by a company what should know better... FACT !!!!!!

Jan 31, 2013