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Trojan appoints Worldwide Battery

Trojan Battery Company the leading supplier of deep cycle batteries for aerial lifts, has appointed WorldWide Battery Company as its master distributor for the states of Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.

Based in Indianapolis, Indiana, WorldWide Battery was founded in 2001 by Dave and John Petruzzi and now owns and operates six distribution centres spanning a total of over 75,000 square feet of space.
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Trojan's gel battery range

Chief executive of Worldwide, Dean Petruzzi said: “WorldWide is very pleased to join Trojan’s master distributor network. As longtime battery specialists, we firmly believe that Trojan products are the highest quality, deep cycle batteries in the world. We have found that the marketplace trusts the Trojan brand.. Our team members are excited to be a Trojan distributor… it’s brought a new sense of energy to our staff.”

David Godber, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Trojan said: “Trojan and WorldWide Battery share similar philosophies and goals, one of which is to provide our customers with the finest quality products and services available. We welcome Worldwide Battery to our exclusive distributor network and we are confident Trojan’s customers will be pleased with the quality of service they provide.”
