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Florida Governor supports crane bill

The Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist visited the site of Tuesday's fatal tower crane accident in Miami today and when asked, said that he supports legislation pending in the state Legislature that would regulate the training and certification of crane operators.
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Charlie Crist in front of the Crane involved (R) in this weeks accident in Miami.

'When asked about a Miami-Dade county ordinance governing tower crane inspection and operator certification that came into force today, he said:
'There is also legislation in Tallahassee, It attempted to go through last year, but it did not pass. But it looks like it has a much better opportunity this year. So I'm encouraged by that as well.''

When put on the spot and asked if he endorsed the pending crane bill, he replied: ``Yes, I do.''

He also added, in reference to the new Miami-Dade rules, "whenever you have more restrictions, more inspections that's always a good thing.''
