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Pierrick Lourdain quits Haulotte

Pierrick Lourdain one of the most senior managers at Haulotte, the French based aerial lift and telehandler company, has left the company this week.
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Pierrick Lourdain

Lourdain is probably best known for his work in the UK market where he was managing director until less than a year ago. He was posted to the UK in 2003 before which he was responsible for the company’s marketing. He inherited a situation with UK Platforms which had become insolvent owing Haulotte a substantial amount.

Lourdain took over the business and cleaned up the company’s act turning it into the respectable business it is today. After appointing Philip James as his replacement in the UK, Lourdain has been heading up the group’s sales and marketing.

Haulotte has not issued any statement on the subject, apart from saying that he left to rejoin his family company.
