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John Arthur Hayes 1953 - 2022

We have received the sad news that John Hayes an editor of Cranes Today and Access Today in the 1970s and early 1980s has died. He passed away on Christmas Eve at the age of 69.
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John Hayes

Hayes began his career in 1976 when he joined Cranes Today magazine as a journalist - at the time it was the only English language crane magazine in Europe. A few years later he was promoted to assistant editor and then managing editor. He was also editor of sister magazine Access Today, and spent much of his time in 1981 and 1982 covering the fast growing powered access market. Towards the end of 1982 he left the comapny along with the crane and access industries to set up his own business, Underline Communications.

Since then, he has worked in a wide range of PR roles, working with Tibbet & Britten, Linpac, DHL, Exel and Rockwood. He has run his own business since the 1990s and became a pioneering web designer as the age of the internet emerged, founding Webmaker in 1996. He became a highly respected and talented website designer and advisor.
