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215ft ZT68J in action

Zoomlion’s newly launched 215ft ZT68J self-propelled boom lift has completed its first job in Shangahi, China.

With a working height of 67.5 metres, the ZT68J became the world’s largest boom lift when launched at bauma China late last year - see: Zoomlion’s 215ft boom lift. It now tops Snorkel’s 210ft 2100SJ and JLG’s 185ft 1850SJ boom lift, both of which have held the title.
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The 215ft ZT68J is currently the world’s largest boom lift

For its first outing, the boom lift went to work on the construction of a new fire services training complex in Shanghai. One of its main tasks was to assist with painting a new 17 storey building - approximately 56 metres in height - which is set to feature alongside other residential and industrial buildings to provide firefighters more than 53 live fire training scenarios.
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The ZT68J was used to paint the exterior of a 17 storey structure

The ZT68J features a five section boom topped by a long two section articulating jib with 125 degrees articulation, to offer a maximum outreach of 31 metres with a dual 300/455kg platform capacity. Features include a single lift cylinder, 40 percent gradeability and four wheel drive.
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The ZT68J offers a maximum outreach of 31 metres
