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New owners for Access Location+

Harold Dubé, the owner and chief executive of Canadian access rental company Access Location+ is retiring and handing over to Luc Bertrand.

Dubé has already sold his shares in the company the other three shareholders – Bertrand, Yvan Blais and Quebec development capital fund-Fonds Regional Solidarity FTQ. He will remain on board to support Bertrand during a transition and hand over period which is due to run until the end of the year. Although he says that he will be available as needed after that in an advisory role.
Dubé said: "Luc has been at Accès Location + since 2006 and has become my business partner over time. His knowledge, industry experience and leadership will continue to grow the business with great success.

Bertrand added: “Harold is a visionary who has patiently built a company valued for the quality of its service and equipment. He is recognized for his human qualities, his listening and his incomparable generosity, he is greatly esteemed by all. Harold's work has definitely made its mark in Access Location +."
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Harold Dubé (L) and Luc Bertrand

Access Location’s origins go back to 2003, when Dubé was running a pressure washing and brickwork company Groupe Solubrik. The company owned four aerial work platforms that is used to carry out its contracts. Dubé had the idea to start renting them out to general contractors and masonry companies and so established an equipment rental division. The rental business took off and the following year the company purchased an additional 30 machines. In 2005 he decided to create a separate business with the name Accès Location +, adding other services such as sales, repair and maintenance, transportation of equipment, as well as training.

Bertand joined the company in 2006, becoming a co-owner in 2011. Today the company runs a fleet of more than 700 platforms, mostly boom and scissor lifts, along with a fleet of telehandlers.
