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Warren Access expands

Newcastle, UK-based rental company Warren Access moved to larger offices and took delivery of a new truck mounted platform yesterday. "We just outgrew our old premises," said Graeme Warren. "The new ones have much better facilities including more office space, a purpose built training centre and a great workshop to maintain our growing fleet of van mounted and truck mounted platforms."

The company is not moving far as the new premises are located in the same street. With a 3,000sq ft workshop, two floors of office space and a training centre the new premises are a significant improvement over the old unit and are ideal for the next stage the company’s development.

“Our recently opened IPAF Training Centre is already developing rapidly and we will shortly be adding a new sales person to our team - all part of our development plan,” said Michelle Warren.
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Graeme Warren trying out the new MX 200 outside the new premises.

The new platform is another Multitel MX 200 mounted on an Iveco Daily 35S11 chassis cab. "We needed it to keep pace with the growing demand from our customers for these machines," said Warren. “It is our third Multitel MX platform in less than 18 months and we have got another Multitel MX 270 on order for delivery later in the year.”
