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Allift Michielsens adds Bravi line

Belgium based Allift Michielsens has been appointed as the exclusive distributor for the Bravi range of electric powered lifts in the Benelux region.

Allift, which is based in Deurne, Antwerp is also the importer for Genie self propelled and Bronto Truck mounted lifts. While its rental division operates a substantial and varied fleet of aerial lifts in the region.
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The Bravi Leonardo is ideal for tight spaces

The company believes that it is well placed to establish the Bravi Leonardo concept in the area following a slow take up so far.

Allift sales manager Mike Van den Bosch said: “Allift Michielsens is known as a service-oriented importer in the Benelux region for Genie, GSR and Bronto Skylift with a wide range of customers, both end-users and rental companies who could be interested in this type of lift.”

It was clear to Allift that the direct approach of Bravisol in the Benelux market couldn’t be successful since this market is used to deal with well organised dealers and official importers. A few companies in Holland have tried to represent the product but without any significant success. This is clearly a product which needs a push-strategy in the market.”

“In addition to organising a direct mail strategy, participating at exhibitions and publishing in branch magazines, our sales team will travel around the territory – demonstrating and explaining the unique aspects of the Bravi machines.”
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Overhead installation work is an ideal application
