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HAB for Moscow tech park

Russian technology park ‘Technopark Skolkovo’ has taken delivery of a 51ft HAB S175-12 E2WDS scissor lift.

The battery electric powered S175-12 has an overall width of 1.19 metres and a platform capacity of 500kg. The order went through a tender process, with a very particular specification and tight delivery time frame, with few other machines able to satisfy all of the conditions. The machine was sold and delivered by HAB’s Russian distributor Vertex, which it only appointed in December - see Vertex takes on HAB.

The platform went straight to work in the exhibition hall of the business park which is being constructed in Mozhaysky District on the West side of Moscow as part of a plan to encourage Russian technological entrepreneurship and innovation. The ‘campus’ also includes transport links and housing and covers almost 1,000 acres, with 2.6 million acres of buildings.
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The scissor lift was disassembled in order for it to be delivered to the exhibition hall
