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New Hoeflon location

Dutch spider crane manufacturer Hoeflon Compactkranen has opened its new headquarters in Barneveld.

The new 3,200 square metre facility replaces the company's original 500 square metre building in Barneveld. The new premises was completed and opened and officially launched earlier this month with a two day open house, with around 400 people attending the first day, with a further 950 attending on day two. Guests included Bennie Wijnne, a member of the Gelderland State council, who during the event triggered a special spider crane which climbed up into a web frame.

During the two days the company also managed to raise €2,030 for the Kusumalila Foundation which supports the orphans at Grace Children's Home in Namwera, Malawi.
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The inside of the new facility

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Hoeflon's spider crane range was on display

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Bennie Wijnne addresses the guests
