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More Potains for Rimasa

Indonesian rental company PT. Tanjungsari Prima Sentosa (Rimasa) has ordered four 10 tonne Potain MCT 205 topless tower cranes.

The new cranes have maximum jib lengths of 65 metres at which they can handle up to 1.75 tonnes. The order was placed through Indonesian Potain dealer Multicrane Perkasa, and brings the number of Potain cranes the company has ordered this year to 10.
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(L-R) Markus Kresna and Alvin Boentoro of Multicrane Perkasa, Marco Zucchet of Potain, Soegyanto and Dicbyo of Rimasa, and Winston Ho of Potain

Located in Surabaya in east Java, and operating for around 20 years, Rimasa has a fleet of All Terrain, Rough Terrain, crawler, tower, and truck cranes, as well as boom lifts.
