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Lousberg joins Sram

Ex Terex Cranes president Ken Lousberg has been appointed chief operating officer of Sram, the high end bicycle manufacturer.

Lousberg is relocating from Schaffhausen, Switzerland to Chicago, and will be based at the Sram world headquarters. A keen mountain biker he said: “This was probably the easiest career decision I have ever made. Sram’s culture is very special, it is something I will be proud to be a part of, and these are people that I am truly looking forward to working with.”
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Ken Lousberg

Sram president Stan Day added: “We were looking for a leader who had managed an organisation of the size and complexity that we are targeting, was a very strong cultural fit, and could understand the technical nature of our components and our manufacturing processes. Ken is perfectly suited to address all of these requirements.”

Lousberg joined Genie in 1997 as a business unit manager, moved to Terex Cranes in 2005, became general manager Terex Cranes Europe in 2007, taking over as president of Terex China in 2010 and president of Terex Cranes in 2015. He stepped down on the arrival of Steve Filipov in October last year. He served in a transitional and advisory role until landing the new job at Sram.
