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Raimondi moves into NZ

Tower crane manufacturer Raymondi has appointed Heavy Lift Designs (HLD) as its official agent of New Zealand.

HLD was established near Sydney, Australia in 2014 by New Zealand born managing director Blake Hammon, following almost two and half years as a project design engineer with Titan Cranes and Rigging and three years with Gillespie Cranes, having started out at a structural architectural engineer in New Zealand.
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Blake Hammon

The company opened in New Zealand in January setting up a new base in Wellington, servicing both the North and South Islands. The company specialises in lift planning and full engineering services for both mobile and tower cranes.

Hammon said: “New Zealand is my home, so I have always had a keen interest in the country’s construction market and economic prospects. I see New Zealand as the opportune place for HLD to launch new technologies; there is substantial activity in the construction and engineering sectors with room for a successful entrepreneurial-driven market entry. I have noticed a trickledown of machinery and technologies from similar projects in Australia into New Zealand’s market, and I believe our Wellington office is well-positioned to capitalize on this increasing level of interest.”

“HLD’s entire value proposition is based on bringing modern engineering solutions, developed and drafted with precision and care, to the construction industry. Raimondi Cranes is a fantastic, forward-thinking crane manufacturer; for this reason, we actively pursued the Raimondi agency appointment, and we’re looking forward to bringing the company’s highly-reputable, solution-based products to market.”
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