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Tree stump pull overturns crane

A truck mounted/boom truck crane overturned in Anderson, South Carolina on Monday as it attempted to extract a tree stump on full boom.
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The overturned crane was properly set up

The crane was working from the car park of the Thunderbird Motor Lodge in downtown Anderson, when the stump proved to be too firmly rooted causing the crane to overturn. The boom came down across an outside seating area, which thankfully was not occupied at the time.
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The crane is a boom truck type with cab

There were no injuries, but the crane was apparently removed from the site in pieces.
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The centre of the boom came down on a bar seating area


The issue isn't the overload alarms. It's the nut behind the wheel that turns them off.

Aug 9, 2017

I hope they have overload alarms on the cranes over there Float ;-) Looks like they could set the crane up a litle closer... what the standard is when possible of course.

Aug 6, 2017

This is ridiculous - talk about a job set up for failure from the start!

At least they had the sense or luck to do the work when the patio seated area was clear of people.

Do they not have overload alarms on their cranes in America ?

Aug 3, 2017