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Paus steps up in UK

UK aerial lift veteran Malcolm Kitt is now working with the manufacturer and its UK dealer The Furniture Hoist Company.

Paus has been looking to step up its activities in the UK, for both its elevator hoist range and its aluminium trailer cranes, which already sell well in Germany and other European markets.

Kitt began his access career with K&F Hydraulic Platforms in 1984, and founded the Powerlift business in 2000, which at one time built van mounted lifts, and became the UK dealer for EasyLift, Movex and a few other access products. He then joined Skyking in 2014 which took on some of the Powerlift activities. He left Skyking last July to work as an independent equipment broker and on his remaining Powerlift activities.
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Malcolm Kitt

Kitt said: "Having been very impressed by the Paus products' engineering, their versatile appeal and by the company support systems, it was an easy decision for me to join forces and with them and I look forward to promoting the company and its products.”

The Furniture Hoist company added: "We are extremely happy to have been able to add Malcolm to our UK team. His knowledge, experience and drive will be a great asset in our drive to bring our products more prominently in to the UK.”


Malcolm Kitt
I need to amend the above; Yes I left Skyking last July to work as an independent equipment broker under the trading name of Power Lift UK Ltd which has been trading for 17 years.

As part of being an independent equipment broker I am currently assisting Gary Brady from The Furniture Hoist Company with the sales of the PAUS products along with several other companies and their products.
You can still contact me as below:
Malcolm Kitt
T: 01480 407771
M: 07712 128610
E: [email protected]

Apr 24, 2017