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Terex Quaymate for South America

Uruguayan port operator Somasol has purchased a 50 tonne Terex Quaymate M50 mobile harbour crane, it will be the first to be delivered in South America.

The diesel-electric Quaymate M50 has a 36 metre maximum working radius with 50 metres a minute hoisting speed. It will operate in the transatlantic dock of the terminal, located beside the Uruguay River in Fray Bentos, 120km north of the Rio de la Plata estuary in Uruguay’s agricultural and cattle raising area. The crane is due to be shipped from Terex's Chinese site in Xiamen by the end of 2016, where it will mainly handle citrus fruit, grain and timber.
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The Quaymate M50 will be the first of its type in South America when it is delivered later this year

Terex Port Services Maurizio Altieri said: “The machine was developed by international engineering teams. Based on the proven Terex Gottwald design philosophy, it fulfills the requirements of different terminals in many South American countries. With the Quaymate M50, small terminals can replace non-port machines such as excavators or telescopic and conventional mobile cranes, to make their cargo handling more cost effective and develop new applications.”
