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Fancy house not so fancy access

Spotted in Southern England several men working on an expensive home, in an exclusive area, but when it comes to access equipment they seem to struggle.

There are so many things wrong with this access equipment and work at height methods, that it is hard to know where to begin. The single width tower has no toeboards – although that is a minor point compared to the fact that the tower has not been assembled correctly, and that rather than use the built in ladder – access to the platform is via an extendable ladder resting on the side of the platform.
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There are so many things wrong with this, it is hard to know where to begin

And most crazy of all is the narrow plank that the man has used to climb from the tower to the work area. Hopefully these clowns survived, but definitely one for our Death Wish series.

Have a safe weekend
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A closer look at that tower
