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IPAF- IAPA Award winners

IPAF- IAPA Award winners

The IPAF awards dinner was held tonight and the winners are:

Innovative Technology Prize
France Elevateur, France for the 17 self-propelled 172 ATBI, designed for live line work and launched in 2013. Please register to see all images

France Elévateur has launched a new 17 metre working height platform designed for live line work.

Powered Access Pioneer
Genie, USA – celebrating 50 years in 2016

Contribution to Safe Working at Height

IPAF Training Centre of the Year
Maltech, Switzerland

IPAF Instructor of the Year
José Ramón Etxebarria Urrutia, Spain

Mast climber product of the year
XL Group, France, for the XMH multimast platform

Product of the Year Self-propelled above 20ft/6.1m
Almac, Italy, for the BIBI 850-BL
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The Almac Bibi 850-BL - the Bibi 26-BL in the USA

Product of the Year – Self-propelled below 20ft/6.1m
Haulotte, France, for the Star 6
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The new Haulotte Star 6 will go head to head with other Mast lifts

Product of the Year – Vehicle/trailer mounted
Time Versalift, Denmark, for the LAT-38-135-H
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Time Versalift LAT-38-135-H

Access Rental Company of the Year
Nationwide Platforms, UK

Project of the Year
Hydro Mobile, Canada, for the new FAA Control Tower at Tucson Airport, Arizona, USA.

Lifetime Achievement Award
Art More, 91, co-founder of Pitman - at the very start of the powered access industry, then founder of Snorkel and a board member of Snorkel again since its acquisition by Don Ahern. A well deserved recipient.
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Art Moore


It's regrettable that my words where sanctioned by the editorial staff, as it was clearly my opinion and not that of the Vertikal press.

I appreciate that I am anonymous so it could be considered a cheap dig by me at the IPAF CEO, however sadly there is an element of true to what I am saying regardless of the edit.

It’s even more interesting that so many people appear to agree with my thoughts on this. Maybe the IPAF board should commission a more scientific survey of the membership? Survey monkey?

Actions speak louder than words and the more IPAF say they are trying to be “inclusive” the more they become exclusive by what they do.

Please take head President Studdert and the IPAF Board.

Mar 30, 2016

Dear Frank, You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment.

Mar 21, 2016

I find it striking that each year a fair amount of these awards are won by either the biggest financial contributors to IPAF's coffers or those that are in emerging new markets for IPAF, such as South America, Southern Europe or the Middle East.

This is particularly prevenient with training awards, I'm not saying that the winners either as individuals or businesses are not excellent contributors to the industry, however there enthusiasm and energy is being rewarded over quality and sometimes financial viability of training centres. Those hardworking people doing great work in the established markets who enter the IAPA are I feel over looked.

it could also be argued that some of the "pioneering safety work" by the big access companies has added little value to safety and that it is been designed as a USP, giving then a year or two exclusivity to certain customer groups.

These awards are decided by an fairly independent selection of judges, nonetheless **************************

I'm sure I'll get slaughter, however look back at the previous winners and entrants and draw your own conclusion.

Mar 21, 2016