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10,000th CTE

Italian truck mounted and spider lift manufacturer CTE will shortly ship its 10,000th aerial work platform.

The 10,000th machine is a 20 metre ZED 20.2 H articulated 3.5 tonne truck mounted lift and has been sold to UK based rental company Smart Platforms. CTE has painted the anniversary unit with a special silver finish and mounted it on a truck with silver cab.
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The sliver anniversary model CTE Zed 20

CTE produced its first machine, a 16 metre Z 166D back in 1993, with the Zed 20.2’s predecessor – the Z 20, coming along in 1996. The name change to ZED came in 2009 and the company now has a range of 15 models from 14 to 32 metres.

The 10,000th unit is also one of the first to feature the new octagonal design, made with a new material, Docol 1200 M high strength steel.
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The 10,000th unit includes the new octagonal Docol 1200M boom

For those of you who are avid readers of and have a good memory, you might be wondering how this can be the 10,000th CTE when we carried a story in 2012 announcing the 12,000th?

We have asked for clarification and confirmation, but understand that the 12,000 included all of the Bizzocchi units produced before it became part of CTE See CTE ships 12,000th unit This latest milestone is the number of aerial work platforms manufactured by CTE.
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The machine is decorated with a 10,000th unit decal
