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1,200 Hiab cranes for India

Hiab has won an order for more than 1,200 loader cranes from Tata Motors India. Deliveries will start later this year with completion by the end of 2016.

The cranes will form part of a contract that Tata has won to supply the Indian army with 1,200 trucks together with an eight tonne metre Hiab 088 loader crane. The trucks and cranes had to undergo extensive tests and trials in various environmental conditions for a number of years before being selected.
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A 6x6 Tata truck complete with material handling crane for the Indian Army

Hiab India said: "We have been working a long time with this Indian Army project and are delighted that we were chosen after having undergone stringent testing. The 088 series is designed for tough operations and the cranes delivered for Tata Motors have been adapted to meet the army's requirements. The trucks and cranes will be used for transportatation, loading and unloading of pallets, spare parts and other equipment.
