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Train collides with crane

A train ran into a tractor trailer with a Rough Terrain crane on board in Louisiana on Sunday, causing a chemical leak and substantial damage.

The truck driver managed to escape but the train conductor and engineer were seriously injured and were airlifted to hospital, but they are said to be in a stable condition.

The truck was passing through the town of Mer Rouge in northern Louisiana, when the low-loader/trailer bottomed-out. The driver said he did all he could to shift the trailer but failed, and when he saw a fast approaching train he jumped clear.

One of the train’s trucks ruptured, leaking argon gas and forcing an evacuation of the immediate area. The entire collision was caught on camera and has been posted on YouTube. Click here to view it.
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The crane wreck

By the looks of what’s left of the crane it might be more suitable for parts and scrap metal than anything else. The derailed train is expected to take around three days to clear up. It seems that the town of Mer Rouge is well known for its train wrecks which are apparently a relatively regular occurrence.
