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Insulated Palfinger platform

Palfinger is to put its 65 metre P650i fully insulated truck mounted lift into production for the North American market.

The company developed the product as a special for Lincon in Australia with 500,000 volts of insulation and the ability to pressure wash insulators on live power lines. The first unit was shipped to Australia in May 2013 and has apparently been highly successful. As a result the company has decided to go ahead and market the unit as a production machine and will shortly ship the first unit to the USA.

The P650i has the same working envelope and basic specification as the regular 65 metre Palfinger, but is highly modified for live line work. Platform capacity is 500kg, while the special platform is smaller to enable it to be used among congested lines etc.. The first North American unit will ship in late November.
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Lincon's Palfinger P650i in action
