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Six 185 footers for Riwal

Riwal has concluded a deal with JLG for six 185ft JLG 1850SJ ultrabooms, the world’s largest self-propelled boom lift, with a working height of 58.6 metres.

The order was recognised on the Riwal stand at Apex earlier today, deliveries will begin during the first quarter of 2015.
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Norty Turner of Riwal concludes the deal with Karel Huijser of JLG

Riwal chief executive Norty Turner said: “As a leading aerial work platform rental specialist, we strive to provide our customers with the most advanced solutions available. With this investment in the Riwal rental fleet we continue to offer a newer, more diverse and versatile equipment range. The investment supports our drive to deliver the best customer experience in the industry”.

Karel Huijser, JLG managing director, Europe, Africa & Middle East added: “We are excited to see a progressive rental company like Riwal investing in the 1850SJ, which represents the latest example of JLG’s long and well-documented history of innovation in boom lift design and manufacturing.”
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Norty Turner gets a 1850 club lapel badge

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The JLG 1850 Club lapel pin
