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Two shocked in trailer lift

Two men working from a trailer lift in Miami Beach, Florida were badly shocked yesterday when they came into contact with an overhead power line.

It is not sure if the two inadvertently touched the power line as they worked on repair work to the apartment building, or if the line came down onto the platform. They were working at a height of around nine metres at the time and were incapacitated. The lift, a JLG looks to be fairly recent and in very good condition.
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The lift after its occupants were rescued

Emergency services were able to get them down and rush them to hospital, where they remain in a critical condition.

The local fire department said: "Two males approximately 20 to 30 years old, were found unconscious upon our arrival at the scene and were transported to JMH."


Appearance of the scene indicates the injured people did not do a site briefing, EHAP plan and give consideration of alternative sets they could make to safely accomplish the task. I pray for their care and recovery and their families.

Jun 10, 2014