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Igo for Stephenson

US crane sales and rental company Stephenson Equipment has ordered an eight tonne Potain Igo T130 self-erecting tower crane for its rental fleet.

Based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania the Potain dealer said it will use the Igo T130 to help expand its reach into western Pennsylvania and West Virginia before offering it for sale. It also said it plans to add more Potain models throughout 2014 as the market for self-erecting tower cranes to continue to grow.

The largest in the Igo T range of telescoping self-erecting cranes, which feature lattice mast sections, the T130 has a 50 metre jib which can be folded back to 34 metres. The crane can be ready to work in less than four hours and is easy to transport, travelling as a single trailer with an overall length of just 17.15 metres. Minimum height for the crane is 18.2 metres, while the maximum height is 61 metres working with an inclined jib.
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A Potain Igo T130 at Conexpo

Stephenson president Dennis Heller said: “Self-erecting tower cranes are still a new concept for lifting. They are an economical alternative and sometimes the absolute best way to lift materials on a job site, especially when space is a challenge. After evaluating the new Potain Igo T 130, we felt it was a very versatile crane that would increase the capabilities of our rental fleet. We believe there is tremendous growth opportunity for us, as the crane enhances our Lifting Solutions Package.”

Established in 1957 Stephenson Equipment provides the sale and rental of construction equipment, paving equipment and cranes from its seven depots across Pennsylvania and New York. It has represented Potain tower cranes for nearly 10 years and is also an official dealer for Manitowoc crawler cranes, Grove mobile cranes, National Crane boom trucks.
