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New business for John Ball

John Ball, previously managing director of Easi Uplifts/Height for Hire has established a new company in the access business.

The company, Velocity Rental Solutions has been established initially to help and support rental companies, entrepreneurs and manufacturers interesting in expanding or moving outside of their area of expertise. It can also help with procurement - Easi Uplifts have always managed to buy at the keenest prices - fleet management and rental fleet sales and marketing. Ball says that he is willing to contract with interested companies on a consulting basis or in exchange for equity, and is most interested in helping companies that could benefit from his expertise and contacts.
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John Ball

John Ball spent more than 20 years with the Irish international company and played a major role in its international expansion. Last year he sold his shares in the company to the McArdle family – the majority shareholder. He is also a past president of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and is still a director.
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Velocity's logo and message

The company’s preliminary website is already up and running: and Ball will be attending the upcoming IPAF Summit in Windsor, UK when he will officially stand down as a director.
