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JLG to launch true Hybrid boom

JLG will launch a 4x4 hybrid diesel/electric version of its 34ft 340AJ articulated boom at Conexpo next week.

The H340AJ offers substantially improved fuel economy over the regular diesel model, with substantially lower emission and noise levels.
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The new JLG H340AJ Hybrid boom lift

The new 4x4 boom features four brushless AC electric drive wheel motors powered by eight six volt maintenance free batteries, alongside an 8.9hp Kubota Z482 engine - compared to the 24.8hp Kubota on the pure diesel model. The diesel engine drives a generator which can power the machine directly and/or be used to re-charge the batteries. Or the two can combine for maximum power.

The smaller diesel is a good deal quieter, with maximum sound levels of just 69 decibels and it features lower emission levels. In addition of course it can be used as a pure electric machine for internal use or in outside locations where very low noise levels are a requirement.
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The H340AJ features the same two stage riser, two section telescopic boom and articulating jib as the original diesel model

The Hybrid lift is also available as a two-wheel drive unit for applications where four wheel is not a requirement. The rest of the machines specifications are the same as the original diesel powered unit, including its 12.3 metre working height, 6.1 metres of outreach, overall dimensions work speeds and steel covers.

The direct electric drive also reduces the number of hydraulic hoses and fittings and thus the potential for leaks.
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The 4x4 JLG H340AJ Hybrid boom lift features four fully sealed AC drive wheel motors

Jeff Ford global product director for aerial work platforms said: “This innovative lift is designed to perform on par with its diesel powered alternative. It’s an extremely hard-working machine. The JLG H340AJ has four independent electric-drive motors that provide unprecedented rough terrain performance and relies on an environmentally friendly, Tier 4 diesel-powered generator for recharging.”

Vertikal Comment

We have wondered for a long time when a full line manufacturer would eventually follow the lead set by Niftylift and introduce a proper hybrid boom lift. The JLG hybrid system differs in some aspects from the Nifty system, but also goes on extra step with its direct electric drive, in place of hydraulic wheel motors, which should add to the machine’s efficiency and provide some phenomenal rough terrain performance.

This new model should spark off further hybrid boom lift development, both from JLG and other manufacturers. As to customer acceptance and take up, a good deal will depend on price, JLG says that the Hybrid will be pitched at similar levels to the regular machine, which should encourage any doubters. However any substantial move over to hybrids will not come until JLG and Genie have 45ft true hybrid booms lifts.
