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Another US AT from Link-Belt

Link Belt will launch its second All-Terrain crane built specifically for the North American market at ConExpo in March.

The new crane 185 tonne five axle ATC-3210 follows on from the 250 tonne five axle ATC-3275 that the company unveiled at ConExpo 2011.
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The new Link Belt ATC-3210 is deisigned for US road regulations

The fully equipped ATC-3210 can be moved anywhere in the USA in just three truckloads each weighing 20.5 tonnes or less. The crane’s 10 x 6 x 10 drive/steer carrier also moves well on the road with axle weights of under 10 tonnes and a high level of equipment, including anti-lock (ABS) disc brakes, transmission retarder, engine compression brakes, cruise control and traction control as standard. Extra steering cylinders are provided for manoeuvring on difficult terrain, while the traction control has a mud and snow setting to allow more slip when needed.

Link Belt says that the ATC-3210 meets Tier IV final and EPA 2013 on-highway requirements. Suspension is Hydrogas and inter-axle and cross-axle differential locks are also available.

Moving up to the superstructure, the six section boom has seven boom telescope modes to maximize capacities by varying the extension of the sections. Extensions include a 3.7 metre heavy-lift fly and an optional three-piece bi-fold swingaway, which hydraulically offsets from two to 45 degrees. A manual, four-position offset is available as well.
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The new crane has seven boom telescope modes

Product manager Rick Curnutte said: “We have seen great success with the ATC-3275. It’s got the reach and the capacities, and is less complicated to operate. And we have transportation figured out better than anyone else. Several of our AT purchases have been from repeat customers who have put this crane to the test and have realised the savings on the transportation side of it.”
