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ELS shifts focus

UK based Edwards Lifting Services has purchased its first crane as part of a slight shift in focus, adding crane hire and contract lifting to its original business of providing experienced crane staff.

The Lancashire based family run company, which was established last year to provide crane personnel throughout the North West of the UK (see: New crane manpower company in UK), has purchased an ex-Hewden, 35 tonne Demag AC35 All Terrain crane.

ELS owner Rob Edwards, said: “I formed ELS 18 months ago providing manpower to end users and existing crane hire companies. Now the business is beginning to establish itself it felt only natural to move directly into crane hire. There is definitely room in the market in the North West for a small but experienced crane firm offering crane hire and contract lifting."
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ELS now offers crane hire and contract lifting

"I want to try and provide the kind of service that sometimes only a smaller company can provide, whilst also trying to emulate the high safety and quality standards that are usually associated with the bigger companies.”
