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L&N charity skydive

Lee Roebuck of UK based rental company L&N Platforms, is taking part in a charity skydive in order to raise money for Demelza Hospice Care for Children.

Roebuck is hoping to raise £2,500 for the charity which offers support to children who are not expected to reach adulthood. The charity offers a range of services which include planning activities, respite breaks, end of life care and bereavement support at its hospices.

To support this worthwhile cause and to help Roebuck reach his target, visit: where you can easily pledge your support and donate to this cause.
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Lee's jump is scheduled for 5th January next year


Hi Lee, good job you were not jumping today. You could have ended up in France a bit like Del Boy when he went hang gliding.
Good luck though, excellent cause.
Bronto Skylift

Oct 28, 2013