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Another fork and pallet

Spotted by a reader in Wigan, UK yesterday a man using a forktruck and pallet for working at height.

A classic that still occurs in way to many industrial or commercial establishments, in this case it looks as though the man has used a set of rolling steps to access the pallet? Probably meaning that he is the fork truck driver as well as the one up above. Although the step up is quite a distance.
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Spotted in Wigan in the UK

As usual no protection from falling and given that he is around three metres up a fall could easily be fatal, just in case he is close to a set of spiked railings which he could easily impale himself on.

A definite one for our Death Wish series.


I would place a bet that the offender has never received any formal forklift training. Sadly a daily occurrence, throughout the UK, pan sector.

Sep 10, 2013