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Barking mad?

John King, director of Nifty Australia, has entered the Yukon Quest 300 and Percy 200 dog sled races in Canada, two gruelling dog sled races to be held in the minus 35 degree temperatures of Canada’s Yukon Territory.

The 300 mile Yukon Quest 300 starts on February 2nd and will be King’s first ever dog sled race ever. He will face distances of up to 100 miles between checkpoints, caring for his team of 12 sled dogs in the freezing temperatures.

The 200 mile Percy 200, which kicks off in March, is a nine dog return trip from Dawson City to Eagle, Alaska. The route follows the memorial mail run route which was carried out by dogsledder Percy DeWolfe up until the 1940's.
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John King in training for the Yukon Quest 300

King is currently training with a 12 dog team at racing expert Hans Gatt’s ranch in Whitehorse, Canada. King will be using Gatt’s dogs and his ‘Gattsled’ racing sled for the race.

For more information on the Yukon Quests visit:


Malcolm North
Mr King is to be commended for this adventurous endeavour. What an undertaking in these couch-potato times! His skills will be most useful to his friends and colleagues in Milton Keynes, who are presently suffering the privations and hardships of a vicious snow flurry - the car was absolutely covered in a light dusting this morning, making my journey to work all the more exciting......Go John, or should I say 'Mush'?

Jan 23, 2013

Malcolm North
King of the Wild Frontier?

Jan 23, 2013