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Bridon opens new rope plant

Wire rope manufacturer Bridon has formally opened its Bridon Neptune Quay plant in the UK, that will produce the world’s largest crane and offshore ropes.

Representatives from Heerema, NOV, and Certex joined Bridon to witness the UK's business minister Michael Fallon open the facility, which will have the capacity to produce highly engineered ropes in package weights of 650 tonnes.
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New rope coming off of the closing machine onto the take up stand

The occasion was marked by the switching-on of the factory’s rope-closing machine, which is the largest of its kind in existence. The machine, which was built by German engineering company SKET and will allow the company to produce far more complex ropes that was previously possible in this size range.

Bridon group chief executive Jon Templeman said: “I am proud to announce that Bridon Neptune Quay is open for business, making the largest and most complex ropes the offshore industry has ever seen. We have worked closely with customers to understand the challenges they face in reaching greater depths in some of the toughest conditions on earth.”
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Jon Templeman

Business and Enterprise Minister Michael Fallon added: “As a growing manufacturing company, Bridon are exactly the sort of firm the Regional Growth Fund was set up to support. I’m very pleased that we have been able to provide them with £2.2 million to help open this state of the art new facility.”
