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Repeat crane order for Kalmar

Cargotec has received a large repeat order for four Kalmar quay cranes from the French Bolloré group, through its wholly-owned Unicaf subsidiary.

The deal follows an order received in 2011, which at the time represented Cargotec's first ever quay crane delivery in West Africa. Both parties have agreed not to disclose the monetary value of the order.

The new cranes will be delivered to various ports in West Africa, where handling is currently carried out by mobile cranes or ship's own gear and to green field terminals. The cranes have a lifting capacity of 60 tonnes under the Bromma twin-lift spreaders. They will be built to a single box boom type design, with an outreach of 47 metres and a 30.5 metre rail span.
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A Kalmar quay crane

Thanks to significant growth in container handling capacity over the last years, Bolloré group has become the biggest container terminal operator in West Africa. It operates 13 container terminals in the whole Africa and plans to reinforce its presence in West Africa to meet the needs of the fast-growing economies in the region.
