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Boom lift used to relight Olympic flame

The 204 burner Olympic cauldron that formed a key part of the opening ceremony in London on Friday had to be extinguished and moved from the centre of the arena after the ceremony was over.

Once the 24 metre high burner was safely in position where it will remain for the rest of the games, two men used a JLG boom lift to reach the burners and relit it with an olympic torch – which had been lit from the ‘mother flame’.
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The Olympic flame is relit - this time from a boom lift

Good to see both men wearing their harnesses.


Big Vern
I can't believe that they used a machine in that condition for such an event. Although I should imagine every company in the land has machines returned like that on a daily basis

Aug 1, 2012

Andrew Bezemer

If the Olympic had hired it from Riwal UK than they were standing on a new JLG machine instead of this used machine.

Jul 31, 2012