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New HQ planned for Palfinger

Palfinger has completed the acquisition of the land required to build its new headquarters building close to its current location in Salzburg Austria.

The need for a large building is a consequence of the company’s growth in recent years, as well as accommodating the expected growth from its two recent joint ventures with Sany.

Palfinger started planning a new building in 2011, but the project was postponed due to the uncertain economic situation. However, the need for a new headquarters and demonstration centre remain.

The company has acquired two plots of land with a total area of 21,000 square metres around a kilometre from its exiting location. It has also agreed on purchase and lease options on adjoining plots with an area of 19,000 square metres.

Construction will start as soon as the building plans are available and the necessary permits have been obtained, normally by year end. The company’s 250 employees are expected to move in 2014 at the latest.

Palfinger says that the new building will be constructed with the latest technological standards for high energy efficiency and sustainability.

Chief executive Herbert Ortner, said: “Ultimately, we chose this location for a number of important reasons: On the one hand, proximity to the city of Salzburg and its infrastructure are very important to us, so that relocating to another place, which, for instance, might have been closer to one of our plants in Köstendorf or Lengau, was out of the question.”

“On the other hand, we were looking for a piece of land that was significantly larger than the one we have now. Although our present headquarters are in a highly favourable location, there are spatial limitations due to the adjoining railway and motorway. Growing upwards, as was contemplated in the form of an office tower, would not have sufficed; for our demo centre alone we require an expansive area rather than additional storeys.”
