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Schliephake moves to Partner Lift

Kai Schliephake, currently Geschäftsführer of JLG Deutschland is leaving the company at the end of June to take up a new position as head of Partner Lift, the German association of independent rental companies.

The ‘cooperative’ has a combined fleet of over 12,000 machines, more than half of which are aerial lifts, with over 1,600 employees and 125 locations in Germany and overseas.
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Kai Schliephake

Director Monika Metzner announced the appointment to members at this weekend's general assembly in Fulda. Metzner will continue to serve the organisation on a transitional, possibly until the end of 2014.

Schliephake, says that his departure from JLG is completely amicable, adding that he wants to deepen the associations’ personal contact with its partners and conclude cooperation agreements with key suppliers. In addition, he plans to step up the internationalisation of the organisation with the aim over the next two to three years to add partners from all the states of the European Union.
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Monika Metzner with Kai Schliephake at this weekend's meeting
