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Death Wish Berlin

A reader from Berlin, Germany has sent us an example of poor/dangerous working practices spotted late last year, here are the details in his own words:

“It was a night when I went out for a walk at around 24.00 and I came accross the following work.
Two cherry pickers rented as self-drive from the company Gardemann working to reinstall the mobile traffic lights.”

"The positive is that they were wearing Hi-vis jackets, but this was as far as it goes with the good news.

On the negative side:

- They had parked the 7.5 tonne truck on the pedestrian way.
- They had no harnesses and were reaching out from the basket
- There were no pads under the outriggers on compacted recycled soil
- The best comes at the end, they were also working over the head of traffic – cars and vans at the time- in the street without any protection or safety man."
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One of the machines - working over an open carriageway, no harness no lanyard

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The outriggers of one machine were set on unconsolidated ground

"The question is what would have happened when a truck or a bus drove by? I don’t know when or if they finished the works, without anything happening.”

This is a classic case of sloppy planning and set up, and sadly all too often we report on cases – even in broad daylight – where a bus or high truck comes zipping along, clipping the platform and sending the man up top flying through the air… because of course he is not wearing a harness and short lanyard!
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The other machine working as a van passes underneath

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The other machines outriggers also on soft cround and no mats

Ask anyone who has been involved with such an accident, it is traumatic for the rental company, not only on the day it happens but for months afterwards as the investigation grinds on and as the authorities check the company’s work practices etc…

And worse than all that is the effect on the immediate colleagues and most of all the extended family of course. All this is such a shame when the rental company involved has provided such quality pieces of equipment, well equipped and safe for the job at hand, only to see the end user ignore all the equipment and advice once on site.


Alexandra Schawohl
Dear readers
We, as the rental company were particularly concerned to see those pictures. We appeal to all users: Do not repeat such practices. We are attending to the issue of health and safety by informing our customers and briefing the drivers at the time of collection.

To prevent accidents, we offer IPAF safety training. On the basis of the numbers of participants, which has increased about 140 percent last year, you see that the security is more and more an important focus for companies.

As Roger Wickens described, all of our vehicles are equipped with additional ground plates as standard. We would like to reduce the misuse of the platforms but we know that there is a long way to go. We will use such incidents to see how to invest even more in safety with trainings, courses and education.
Yours Alexandra Schawohl
Gardemann Arbeitsbühnen GmbH

Mar 6, 2012

Roger Wickens
Hi Lee, just to straighten the article, the rental company in question ensure all self drive operators, upon collection, are shown a video about the do`s/dont`s & dangers while using a truck mounted platform. Also those actual vehicles like all are equipped with additional ground plates as standard. What a user does during his work duties are then his or his site managers responsibilty. Zero harm, Be safe, let every worker go home to thier family is the motto, yours RW

Feb 29, 2012