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Pop Up Push in production

The new Pop-Up Push series of push-around scissor lifts is now in full production – in the UK’s North East, with the first 150 units being prepared for delivery to a unamed- major UK rental company.

The new units, first seen at this year’s Executive Hire Show, are being built at Snorkel’s production facility on Tyneside in North East England.

Pop- Up scissor lifts have until now been produced in China but the company’s global agreement with Snorkel includes the transfer of responsibility for the on-going design and production of Pop-Up products, including the new Push6, Push8 and Push10.
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Pop-Up production at Snorkels Vigo facility in the UK

The two companies say that they are also working together on other developments, with the aim of creating the first truly global brand in low-level and personal access solutions.

The new Push range builds on the success of the original Pop-Up and Pop-Up+ push-around scissor lifts, of which more than 6,000 units have been sold. The original models are still available as a lower cost alternative to the Push range.

The new models have a lift capacity of 240kgs, are 700mm wide and weigh as little as 275kgs. The key changes on the Push models include:
Stronger, more robust box section scissor stack, a slide out component tray for quick and easy maintenance, larger and more durable castors, auto-locking brakes as standard – no need for outriggers, 10ft (3m) platform height version added to range, one touch emergency lowering , fixed control box and a platform-mounted battery condition indicator.
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The new 8ft/2.5m Pop-Up Push8

Richard Tindale, sales & marketing director for Snorkel, said: “The state-of-the-art Push series is the first fruit of our agreement with Pop-Up Products, signed earlier this year. Working together, we are delivering a great range of push-around lifts, targeted specifically at contractors and hire companies. Push combines the best elements of Pop-Up with Snorkel’s ethos of engineering effective, durable machines that are easy to maintain.”

Nigel Woodger, managing director of Pop-Up Products added: "We are absolutely delighted with the Pop-Up Push series, which meets our customers' needs and helps maintain our position as the market leader in push-around scissor lifts. The production move demonstrates the strength of the relationship between Pop-Up and Snorkel - and there is a lot more to come from our collaboration."
