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Atlas employees fight changes

Employees at the Atlas loader crane plant in Delmenhorst Germany have held two pre-emptive strikes against changes being implemented to turn the business around.

Since 2009 the workforce has been reduced from a high of 2,000 to 650 and have walked out on two occasions citing the actions of the new owner Fil Filipov as draconian.

On Monday last week some employees marched through the downtown Delmenhorst in a form of protest.

They claim that the new owners have increased working hours for the remaining employees from 35 to 40 hours a week and cut overtime payments.

The shop floor workers are pushing for a collective agreement, and the union IG Metall has approved a ballot of employees at the plant regarding a future strike.

Vertikal Comment

Terex literally gave Atlas away with a dowry earlier this year after feeling that the cost of closing the plant or restructuring it in order to make it profitable, was too costly in both management time and financial costs. The thought was that an independent owner wouldf be better placed to tackle the changes that it felt were needed.

Filipov is no stranger to tough turnarounds and is not noted for his delicate or slow approach. He does know though that if he is to make the most of what is potentially a strong business with a good product range and strong brand name, he needs to make significant changes to working practices at the plant.

If the changes cannot be made he will have no hesitation about moving production elsewhere or taking other strong action. One assumes that given the current economic climate the two parties will eventually see eye to eye and reach an agreement so that the plant can benefit form the upturn that is already beginning to kick in.
